President & Chair of the Board of Chicas Mom, Inc.

She was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, since early childhood, she learned about her Hispanic roots due to the influence of her parents and family of Chilean origin.

When she was young, she wanted to become a veterinarian. However, due to her family’s background in law—with her grandfather, uncles, and husband all being lawyers—she decided to pursue a degree in law at the Southwestern University School of Law. This profession brings her immense satisfaction as she enjoys assisting people.

 Vivian is the mother of three adult daughters, and she remembers that when they were children, she was very involved in their education, participating in clubs and even being president of the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA). This experience lends itself to her interest in being a member of Chicas Mom Inc.

In her law practice, Yochelson & Associates, almost 80% of her clients are Latino, and thanks to the Toastmasters organization she acquired the skills to better communicate in Spanish with her clients.

It was at a Panorama City Chamber of Commerce event that she would meet two members of Chicas Mom, Inc. Following this event she was invited as a panelist at the organization’s first women’s conference, and later became a volunteer. In 2018 she was invited to be part of the board of directors, a challenge that she took on with great pleasure because she really enjoys getting involved with her community and contributing to its well-being. She first served as vice president and is currently president.

Vivian calls on the community to come and learn about everything the organization has to offer them, and in the same way to participate and become volunteers.

“At Chicas Mom Inc. we want to educate women to improve their lives and that of their families. We hope that people who want to learn and improve themselves get involved, and that, with what they learn, they can help themselves in the future. themselves.”

Vivian Yochelson