Treasurer / Director

He was born in Jalisco, Mexico, and moved to California at the young age of 18. In Mexico, he completed high school but unfortunately suffered a hip injury that hindered him from furthering his studies. He had to focus on his recovery and underwent numerous surgeries, the most recent one being 7 years ago.

Upon arriving in the United States, his main focus was to seek medical attention to continue the ongoing treatment that he had initiated in Mexico. Additionally, I have begun taking English and computer courses. He identifies as self-taught, having acquired knowledge on his own in accounting and various software for website design and creation. This expertise is put to good use when he volunteers for Chicas Mom Inc. since 2016.

Hector is currently serving as the treasurer and director of the board. He feels content and glad to be the only male member on the board. His involvement in this diverse and inclusive organization and the community serves as a great inspiration for others to participate as he has.

Hector says that Chicas Mom feels like home. The workshops cover various topics and offer help to anyone who needs it.